Putting Social Care first

As a CIC, Community Interest Company we are proud to serve the local and regional communities and with over 300 Community Members across a variety of disciplines and businesses we have a strong voice to be able to make the difference.
Best of all Community Membership is FREE

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Technology & AI

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The responsibility is ours to make a difference and only by #working together will we achieve these goals

One definition of Social is: Human beings interacting individually or in groups to improve the welfare of people in society. We think it's time to start interacting and making those small changes that improves the welfare of people in OUR society.
If you feel the same then join us and be a part of putting social care first.

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Learning Disability & Autism

Physical Disability

Mental Health

Be a part of something new in social care

The real power is in the hands of the stakeholders in the Social Care sector, the unpaid carers, the care providers, the suppliers to the sector, the individuals being cared for and the families of everyone involved in providing or supporting social care.

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Who we work with

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Could you be our next partner?

Who we are

Angela Fletcher

Angela Fletcher

Danielle Lambert

Danielle Lambert
Marketing &
Communications Manager


Gillian Short
South Yorkshire Lead


June Stephenson
Community Membership Manager


Janette Town
Chair Lady


Kerry Clarke
Group Development Lead


The Benefits



We represent our Community Members on over 40 Boards and committees across Yorkshire. Bringing the Social Care Voice to the table and changing the perspective of many of these meetings. We are also able to be ahead of the changes and can ensure we communicate in advance to our community members putting them in a strong position.

Working Together

Working Together

We provide an environment where working together is the norm and sharing is a way of creating solutions to the problems. We facilitate the sharing of best practice across the members and the issues that our Community Members are facing. 300 minds can find creative solutions that 1 mind perhaps can’t.


Institute of Health and Social Care Management IHSCM

As a community member you have free access through the YCA to all the events and training courses.

The Institute of Health & Social Care Management membership is designed “by our members, for our members“. As a collaborative group we know how important it is for health and social care leaders to have a space where they feel they can have a direct impact on their future.

Business Focused

Business Focused

It is a given that our primary task is to offer the best care possible, but social care is made up of small/medium businesses and we understand the need for these to be profitable. We provide virtual and face to face business events, including Master Classes in various subjects BOT (Business Operational Transformation) pod casts and networking events.



The YCA is about guiding and impacting outcomes, enabling groups of people to work together to accomplish what they couldn’t do working individually.

Free memberships

Free memberships

Membership is FREE but we do require a commitment to a solutions mindset and a CAN-DO ATTITUDE.

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